
Humer Me! Decongest the Natural Way

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Whenever my siblings and I would have the sniffles, our father would take the time out of his busy schedule to drive us down to the beach. We lived in a coastal city, and as kids, we were taught that there was nothing that the sea could not cure -- and that a clogged nose certainly had no power over seawater. Relying on sea breeze to relieve my asthma attacks and the seawater to make colds go away was something we got used to growing up. It is a kind of natural remedy that we would want for our kids today, if only we were not living in the big city and many, many hours away from the nearest swimmable beach.

In the last two years, my husband and I made the big move to go natural with our choices in food, skincare and supplements. It was not easy when we started out because not only years of relying on chemically laden products made it convenient for us since they were easily available in groceries and stores, we also inadvertently became creatures of habit. We would rely on over-the-counter medication for coughs, colds and allergies. It wasn’t until my husband and I came across several researches on the potential dangers of using cough and cold medications (especially on kids) that we hit the brakes real hard, rethought our choices over and decided that there was no other way but to go the natural way. We also realized that the decongestants we relied on over the years did nothing for us, but pushed us to the sack only to wake up the following day with a cold worse than ever.

Our Search for the Best Natural Decongestant Ended with Humer

There are several nasal decongestants available in the market, and we have tried a couple of those brands. When we stopped giving our family medication for colds and allergic rhinitis, we turned to nasal decongestants for relief. They worked just fine, but as a mother, I am always in search for the best one out there.

My kids and I were introduced to Humer during its launch in Makati recently. I could not be any happier when I found out that Humer is a non-diluted formula, which means that all the natural elements from clean seawater and mineral salts have not been stripped off through any kind of mechanical processing. The seawater from Humer is sourced from a protected site in Brittany, France, and is rich in trace elements such like copper, manganese and sulfur and all of them helps to protect, to strengthen and to regenerate our nasal mucosa.

Dave Perianes, Humer Country Brand Manager

Humer does not only offer a decongestant, but also specific solutions to certain kinds of nasal problems. They come in easy-to-use bottles with nozzles that break down the seawater into gentle micro-droplets, significantly decreasing battle time with your more sensitive little ones whenever you need to administer it. I certainly had problems using other nasal sprays that would drip and could not be used while my toddler was lying down in bed all fussy and sleepy.

Nasal Hygiene Introduced by Humer

Has anyone ever asked you if you cleaned your nose? That would sound odd, right? But that person certainly knows something we don’t. Dr. Kristine Gutierrez discussed the importance of nasal care for a better breathing experience during the launch. I could not help but think how we could be religious in cleaning our other body parts and forget about our noses when they’re doing the vital job of filtering the air that we breathe. Living in the metro definitely doubles the hard work of our noses, and it’s just about right that we give them proper care.

Cleaning our noses should be a part of our daily routine, and if you’re not sure about how to do it like I was before, the easy and convenient way would be to use the Humer Nose Hygiene. It is an isotonic nasal spray that does the job of cleaning and moistening the mucus membranes inside the nose. A quick spray on each nostril and you’re done. 

Bringing Home the Goodness of Seawater

The most important addition we made to our medicine cabinet a few weeks ago are the Humer Nose Hygiene and Humer Blocked Nose. I have been using the nose hygiene regularly and I swear by its high marine salt concentration. After I use it, I feel {and sound} like I just came out from sea swimming, only better. Attika, our four-year-old daughter has been using it for two days now and she would tell me, “It does make me feel better. Later again please.” I tell you, this feisty one does not lie.

Am I a Humerific Mom? I definitely am!

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor. ASC Ref. No.: U050N072216H

CURE FOR MONDAYS IS A WOMEN'S BLOG, BEST HOMESCHOOL WEBSITE, FAMILY ISSUES BLOG, HOMESCHOOL PROBLEMS, SOCIALIZATION, INSPIRATION, MANILA MOMMY BLOGGER, SAHM, ASIAN HOMESCHOOLER, BLOGGYS 2015 WINNER, humer, best nasal decongestant, safest anti-allergy for kids, fastest remedy for clogged nose, nose hygiene, dr. kristine gutierrez, terrarium making, early bird breakfast club makati, humer clogged nose, humer nose hygiene, humerph, humer.ph, humer manila

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