
Merry Meet!

Monday, January 02, 2012

I am Frances Beldia, a homeschooling mom and Cure for Mondays' Girl Friday. The greater and the more challenging chunk of my career is spent creating experimental {daily} meals for my family and keeping the house neat {for my own sanity}. Part of my short-term goals is to become a self-sustaining farmer, but for now I'm just trying to keep that oregano outside my window alive and happy.

I have been featured at The Asian Parent and The Ched Project. Some of my poems have also been published in the Australia Times Poetry. To you, Love, Light & Unicorns! Thank you for being here. If you're a homeschooling parent who wants to share ideas, or if you're just about to begin your homeschooling journey, I'd love to hear from you. 

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