Children’s Arts Festival at PETA

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) is holding a three-day arts festival for children dubbed “Likot, Liksi, Lipad: Children’s Arts Festival” beginning May 30 until June1, 2014.

What could be a more enthralling way of ending the summer than honing your creativity through workshops, film showing and live performances?   The even greater news is that the festival is for free and parents or guardians are invited to join in as well, doubling the fun for everyone. 

PETA wants to reach out to as many children as they can that’s why a participant can only attend one festival day. So choose your day and make sure you register at the PETA Theater Center or call (02) 7256244 (loc. 23) or 09175183654. You may also send e-mail to

For other details, here’s a link to PETA’s FAQ.

PETA arts festival children's theater manila homeschool workshops activities

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