
Art Day On Any Given Day in Homeschooling

A World Pool Without Water. Attika's watercolor on paper Worrywart. Cole's oil pastel on paper Do you go looking for inspiration or does it find you? As a kid, I always looked forward to art day in school, which would always fall on a Friday. Friday was the best day of the week not only because it’s the last day of school, it was...

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child stress

Help Your School-Age Children Manage Stress

We associate stress with people who have jobs (or well, also with those who don’t), struggling college students, work-from-home moms or dads, people who are going through life crises and those who are trying to find their way through life after college (after getting married, after staying in a fruitless career for a long time, after deciding that life is a mystifying road...

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Tea Mates

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