Thank you, Bloggys 2015, and Welcome 2016!
The year 2015 was a great one, and yes, I am able to say that with a wide smile despite going through sleepless nights on a cramped bench inside an old, creepy provincial hospital's intensive care unit (ICU) for nine days, plus a few more days in a private room where I unfortunately still ended up sleeping on an exactly same dismal bench -- so much for the supposed better, more comfortable "bed" that I hoped to get after knowing that my mother would finally be moved to a private room. She had a heart attack on the second day of her hospitalization, her second hospitalization within a week. That was a saga that I did not expect to happen this early on in our lives. I just might share parts and parcel of that long story sooner or later if you hold a fascination for morbid stories like I do.
There was that grueling event, but there were a lot of good stuff that happened, too. I went on more travels than I wished for and even went on a beautiful journey to Cambodia and spent an entire week marveling at the beauty of the temples in Siem Reap, meeting new people and discovering myself anew. I also had a wonderful opportunity to live with a Khmer family and learned their humble ways of living. I met beautiful souls along the way, something that I'd love to share with you soon.
Last year was a good year for Cure for Mondays. Our readers happily grew in number and the recognition given by several brands was no less than a very uplifting experience for me. It was a welcoming change albeit unexpected, and I'm opening my arms to welcome more exchanges with people who share the same passion for homeschooling, family, life and love this year and the many years to come. A few new friends have come knocking on our door as early as December and I am ever so grateful.
One of the other exciting things that happened was being featured in The Asian Parent. Who would have thought, right? There is another one coming up and I'll be sharing that here, too.
It's been a while since I last sat down to write something. Trust me, I have been pushing myself to just sit down and start pounding on the keyboard lest something good might come out of this over-fatigued brain. "Energy" was quite a strange word for me for a while. When I was about to relax and spend the New Year's with a bang, we once again rushed my mother to the hospital for hypoglycemia. I willed for her to leave the hospital on December 31st not only because it was New Year's eve and we had guests at home, our Attika was also sick. Tough two months I had there.
Oh well, what didn't kill me made me raise a good glass of Gaspi's Sangria.
It's a new year and I'm still sucking in whatever good energy's left from last year and am sucking in some more for 2016.
Hello, 2016. I think I already like you.
Here's thanking all of you once again for making this possible. Cheers!