
7 things about me

Monday, January 30, 2012

Crazy Woman
When Cure for Mondays received the Versatile Blogger Award, I was requested to list down seven things about myself. I have always struggled with the “describe yourself” area because I am a puzzle that even I can’t cut and run if you forced me to. When I applied for jobs in the past, it’s not the grueling (or sometimes) specious exams that made me want to run out the door. When an interviewer would say, “Tell me something about yourself,” I’d always reply with “I can’t do Math, but that one’s tougher.” Thinking about it now, I wonder how I even got dignified positions in the companies that I worked for. 

One of the things that I loved to do was recruitment, and luckily, it was a task the CEOs loved to throw at my direction. I thought I’d save my applicants from the most traumatizing two words I knew: describe yourself. In retrospect, I think they would have been happier with that than me asking them what the significant effect their favorite color had on their lives.  

Note: Some of them ended up being my friends. Two of them are coming over for late night coffee tomorrow.
You see, this is how bad I am with “things about me”. I’ve been stalling (for two paragraphs long) so I’m just going to push myself and jump head first.

I was born the 3rd child of Antonio III, on the 3rd day of the 3rd month, on a Wednesday.

I eat anything with cream in or on it.

I could finish three books in one day when I was young; my speed is okay now that I’m older, but I’ve been reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude” for more than 10 years now.

It takes so little to make me laugh or cry, or both at the same time.

My husband is my best friend, so when I’m annoyed with him we gossip about him. 

 I can spend the whole day sniffing my two very adorable children.

I have a spidy sense of smell.

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